Monday, August 11, 2008

Mindful Monday

Honor the gift of time the creator has blessed you with!

What will it take for you to realize your greatness?

The passing of two great men this past weekend - one a musical genius and the other an actor/comedian- yet both at an early age…makes me ask this question.

What will it take for you to see that you don’t have unlimited time to express your creative gifts and share them with the world?

Isaac Hayes and Bernie Mac knew they had a mission- musical expression and making a better life by using humor.

Does your time, talents and 10th deserve any less expression? Whatever you are doing while reading this daily devotional… working.. up early in the morning to have a moment of peace.. or just sending a few emails- after your task-take time for you! Look at your life and decide what will it take for you to see and use your greatness.

1 comment:

S.T.C.F. said...

Thanks for reminding us to be mindful on this Monday.

Let me take to the time to thank you for being such a good friend and encouraging a sista to live her dreams.