Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Holy Trinity

Success quote- We cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore Men - what are you looking for in a woman? Someone who is intelligent, beautiful or sensual? All of these would be nice to have in one person- yet do we truly look only at one of these aspects of the women at a time? If you watched the CNN special on Black in America- or Soulmates or Diary Of a mad black women or any host of movies and specials on the lack of quality black men to date and marry- who is to blame? Men we must wake up and stop playing games with the feelings of our women for the sake of a one night stand or long term relationship with no ring in hand. We must eliminate the word "player" from our vocabulary as a term of manhood or rite of passage! If we are truly serious about changing the statistics of black men in prison, on the DL, under-employed. low self-esteem and beaten down by "the man"etc....its time we start on the positive with the women in our lives. See the real woman( Friend-Lover-Help Mate), stop denigrating our queens and little princesses with words and images that they have embraced as normal and acceptable. It is time to lose sight of destructive cultural attitudes, practices and values that are destroying our core- The African Women-our Holy Trinity I would love to hear your comments.

1 comment:

S.T.C.F. said...

Preach, preacher man! Tearing down the images of what we think makes a successful relationships is a mighty task.

Especially because many of us have never seen a successful relationship, so we try to balance between what we see in a 30-minute program and how we saw it demonstrted in our own home.

You asked who is to blame; the answer is we all have to accept responsibility.

The man - not being that role model of toughness, strength, vulnerability,and love. Also not accepting that his woman may have strengths that he does not and instead of embracing it, he tries to control it.

The woman - trying to think she can rule the nest without the man. Not knowing the difference between love and sex and now resist any man who wants to show her the truth because of her choices.

The child - yes the child - having access to information that the parent never had and yet choosing to go down the same path; if that path was one of hurt and pain.