Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Your Triple Play

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosb

You sit and watch in the summer heat.. waiting to see if your hero will he hit a home run.. or strike out! The batter kicks some dust off her shoes and stares at the pitcher and you wonder can your idol- the slow pitch champ- strike out anopther batter! If you have ever watched a baseball or softball game.. one of the most exciting to a home run is the triple play! The ball is hit and instantly the shortstop races to catch the ball and with the grace of a ballet dancer they pivoting on one leg- catching the ball and  throwing it in one smooth elegant motion- handing it to the third baseman. Its instantly Fired off to the second baseman like a rocket and in turn the second baseman turns toward first base and with explosibe throw to his teammate the opposing runners are all put out in seconds! I know it seems more exciting in person or even watching it...yet your life is destined for its own triple play!

Are you using you 3 P's to create a home field advantage? When life (your score card) seems a little down to due the economy, relationships or just challenges of the day- how do turn it around?

Just as athelets practice to make the great playe slook easy - it time you started to find and use your- triple play skills! 

Purpose Passion and Power

Purpose that is unique to you and the reason you are here- your higher calling to shar with the world!

Passion the fire that burns inside!

Power that you haven't even discovered yet! 

Many people don't realize they have these gifts inside- and they are there for you if you call forth the need for them- and are willing to  cultivate them.

Stop looking for a reason to let life hold you back- become the success your your born to be.   

You have a yearning to create a triple play in your life right now! If its financial, relationships or even more fullfillment inside start playing to win at this game we call life. 

1 comment:

S.T.C.F. said...

Good observation! If more of us realized that we had all 3 Ps, collectively we would be a lot further.

Happy August and have a great weekend.