Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Its Time for a change !

As the dog sat on the porch moaning and turning from side to side... the visitor asked the owner" why is he moaning?" The owner- rocking in his chair on the creaking and splintering red cedar porch.. looked at his faithful dog.. he slowly turned his head back to the visitor- and said.. "He is laying on a nail!" The visitor looking confused and felt a pain in his stomach for the poor pain ridden golden retreiver. If I may ask-"if its so painful-why doesn't he just move and get off the nail?!" The old mans weathered face and crooked straw hat almost emotionless slowly turns and with a question mark over head says" he ain't hurtin bad enough to move- I guess"!!!! Ladies & Gentlemen after hearing this morning about Wachovia- loses $8.86 billion and cutting 6,350 jobs. I feel .. a very big economic challenge has been growing steadly worse-for many. The disheartning part of the story is- many of us are not hurting bad enough or believe challenges will affect us since it has not come knocking on our door-YET! If you believe that a recession is not here- per the experts on television or another depression is not possibile- think again. Lets look at the number of people sheding a few tears. Job losses are numbering 450,000 in the first 7 months of 2008 business that were once rock solid growing -Starbucks,Home Depot, etc looking for profits and shedding workers yet the media and experts say all is well? Its time to look at The Road You Need To Travel - for your own Success! Forget about what they say and start looking at how you can create your own solution to challenges like these. Don't give in to the pain and say I'm ok it just hurts a little! The road you choose can be a better one- if you are tired of laying on the nail!

1 comment:

S.T.C.F. said...

I agree with your accessment of the current financial market.