Monday, July 28, 2008

Remember your childhood!

If you want to see true examples of persistence and attitudes of success-look at children. These marvelous examples of greatness ask for what they want despite rejection or imagined fear,, though small in stature & large at heart & spirit they rarely give up on what they want until acted up by the force of doubt given to them by others. Even if challenges seem to be in your way.. the gray clouds seem to hang overhead today... just remember the child inside of you is waiting to get out and see the wonders of the world all over again. Find ways to make each experience you face a learning event, smile and laugh and know that the creator will make it aright. Children don't look at clocks when they play- every moment is precious. Success is the child of audacity. Author: Benjamin Disraeli

1 comment:

S.T.C.F. said...

Not everyone had a childhood worth remembering.

Nevertheless, as I watch my own children grow, I notice how they are not concerned about their request for the expensive toys and clothes; they want what they want and they are not afraid to ask for it.... even if they know the parent will say no... they keep asking....

I will keep asking IN FAITH and just believe that what is for me will come to me.... child-like faith.... I needed to hear that today.... God Bless