Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Is It Called A Daily Devotional

As you arise every morning, not only will you have your daily verse, joke, or word of encouragment, you will also have a word of knowledge and as Provetbs 4:7 states, in all your getting, get understanding!!!

This Daily Devotion will go beyond the fog and confusion that many television and radio outlets currently deliver concerning our economy and political system and even our health. This daily devotion will bring understanding and encouragment as the light of knowledge shines though those gray days.

What the Daily Devotion will do is present the problem that many of us face and provide solid, sound solutions for each of us. 

1 comment:

S.T.C.F. said...

I think it is time for a devotional for the average parent who is not versed in politics and is leary of all the politians. One does not know who or what to believe anymore and I am hoping that this blog will help educate me and November draws near and I have to make one of the most important decisions of my life.... who will represent me locally!

Be encouraged, Mr. Nobles!