Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Follies

Friday Follies


Middle English folie, from Anglo-French, from fol fool

Date:13th century

1: lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight 2 a: criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct bobsolete : evil , wickedness ; especially : lewd behavior 3: a foolish act or idea 4: an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking 5: an often extravagant picturesque building erected to suit a fanciful taste

As we watch the half-trillion dollar bailout of the lending institutions by the Bush Administration ( Federal Reserve- a private investment group- not affiliated with the government and Congress- not connected to people who elects the) are you wondering what this means to you?!!!

I will make this rant simple and add an audio clip soon. 1. Look for the collectors to start calling (The IRS- will crack down on small businesses and those that claim they are one).

2 Look for the next President to raise taxes- if they don't and lie to us about not doing so- our great grand children won't be able to pay off this debt.

3 Look for more foreign investment into the US and we truly are becoming a debtor nation.

4. Listen for more of the candidates to blame each others parties for this "economic meltdown".

This is not the time for games, laughs and business as usual. This is nothing more than the good-ole-boy network at play again. White collar crime- bailing out companies and wiping out debt- yet leaving millions of home owners on the brink of homelessness and countless others homeless. This action will not create jobs, assist the economy in selling more goods or help families looking for a solution. Here are a few solutions---

1. Show the political machine we will not strangled by debt and 4 more years of Depression- vote for the Green Party

2. Call your Congress persons Monday at 9am and tell them you will not send them back to Washington for more disaster.

3. Stop spending you money on items you truly don't need and support barter and co-ops.

4. Get to know your neighbors- you will need the min the coming years.

5. Turn off the Tel-lie-vision- - all the talking heads- (and start reading news from alternative media on the net)

This is not chicken little hysteria this is real and tragic that a country has been entertained and distracted and terrorized by "FEAR" could let this happen.

By the people and for the people--?? By the government and for Big Business...

Wake Up to the new World Economy of US Taxpayer debt...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


On my end, whatever you had under Friday Follies is just code.... so you might have to make an adjustment.

In my opinion, voting for the green party would be ensureing that McCain gets the white house. It may not matter to you, but unfortunately, the race is between McCain and Obama.

I love what the sisters are standing for, but unfortunately, they are not on the ballot in every state and would not have the electorial college votes needed to win.