Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tearful Tuesday!

What will it take for US to see that this bailout of 700 BILLION dollars ( while collar crime) is not a solution for the American homeowners facing foreclosure,, or the workers facing layoff after layoff. The "experts" at the FED and the Treasury want US to believe that if this - new S&L (Savings and Loan) bailout of the 2000's is not passed this week we will be in a recession and more jobs will be lost- Wake up!!!! WE ARE IN A RECESSION!!!! As usual the politicians are using the Terror factor to see if it will fly again- as the Bush administration used for continue the war- so are the boys of Wall Street trying to play on the fears of the American public. Is it any wonder that Goldman Sachs is bailed out- as Paulson was the former head of the company! Do we truly realize that giving the FED and government control of the public banking system will be tantamount to BIG BROTHER in your pocket, more white collar crime- since the same criminals that caused this scandal will become the financial police. The political candidates ( Obama & McCain) are not offering solutions- only promises that will drift away on the winds of time...(after the election).. they can't promise to create an agency to police the people that are there very supporters of their campaigns. Tell Congress Hell No on this bailout!! If not watch the jobs START to disappear.... families loosing more homes.. and government growing bigger and more intrusive in our lives.. and allowing other nations TO buy our debt- IOU or better yet - I Own You Call Now! Call Often! Call Each Of The State Reps of Congress Read the Bail Out Story- and Pass this along You can use this toll free number, 1-877-210-5351, for the congressional switchboard and also send an email at http://www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=11962621&content_dir=ua_congressorg HELL NO, to the $700 Billion Bush Wall Street bail out scheme!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN. I have told you on several occasions that you need to hold your own blog radio so that people can call in and get information that we do not currently receive from the natioal media outlets.

I used the link listed to send a note to my representatives to vote NO on the $700 Billion Dollar Bailout!

Thanks for providing this information to us!