Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What are you doing to make change happen?

Bank failures in 2008 Silver State Bank, Henderson, NV September 5, 2008 Integrity Bank, Alpharetta, GA August 29, 2008 The Columbian Bank and Trust, Topeka, KS August 22, 2008 First Priority Bank, Bradenton, FL August 1, 2008 First Heritage Bank, NA, Newport Beach, CA July 25, 2008 First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, NV July 25, 2008 IndyMac Bank, Pasadena, CA July 11, 2008 First Integrity Bank, NA, Staples, MN May 30, 2008 ANB Financial, NA, Bentonville, AR May 9 2008 Hume Bank, Hume, MO March 7, 2008 Douglass National Bank, Kansas City, MO January 25, 2008 Job loss in the US at 460,00 Foreclosed homes Still under the cloud and color of "terrorism"!!! Will the new president change all of this? Can we accept the fact that we may have 4 more challenging years with the economy and in order to thrive we cannot continue to look for a "job" to sustain us. Here is a quote - in my opinion that deserves a moment and revisit! If we believe the Obama camp or even McCain has our best interest at heart when the real money is from Wall Street and world investors is bailing out failing companies while families are put into shelters- we need to Wake Up! Let me give you a word on the philosophy of reform. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims, have been born of earnest struggle. If there is no struggle there is no progress. This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to — and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” —Frederick Douglass, “The Significance of Emancipation in the West Indies” (August 3, 1857) We as a people In This Country are demanding crumbs from the candidates and that is what we will get.. while the New World Order of change includes privacy erosion and spying , economic wealth distribution and entertained masses to weary to fight. "Change is comin- but will it be for the common working class! If we continue to vote and allow the discussions to be about rhetoric-jobs, immigration,abortion and negative campaign ads... what will we truly get except crumbs of concern. Yes these issues are important in the grand scheme of political plans- its called divide and conquer- while we fight about small issues- the corporations and politicians are creating a future for who- US or themselves? Carter-Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Next Pres....all have an agenda- what is our agenda? To be pacified and "energized" every 4 years and like a pair of sad bookends- squeezed to tears- with higher prices-challenged employment and trickery and slight of hand.

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