Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Your Triple Play

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosb

You sit and watch in the summer heat.. waiting to see if your hero will he hit a home run.. or strike out! The batter kicks some dust off her shoes and stares at the pitcher and you wonder can your idol- the slow pitch champ- strike out anopther batter! If you have ever watched a baseball or softball game.. one of the most exciting to a home run is the triple play! The ball is hit and instantly the shortstop races to catch the ball and with the grace of a ballet dancer they pivoting on one leg- catching the ball and  throwing it in one smooth elegant motion- handing it to the third baseman. Its instantly Fired off to the second baseman like a rocket and in turn the second baseman turns toward first base and with explosibe throw to his teammate the opposing runners are all put out in seconds! I know it seems more exciting in person or even watching it...yet your life is destined for its own triple play!

Are you using you 3 P's to create a home field advantage? When life (your score card) seems a little down to due the economy, relationships or just challenges of the day- how do turn it around?

Just as athelets practice to make the great playe slook easy - it time you started to find and use your- triple play skills! 

Purpose Passion and Power

Purpose that is unique to you and the reason you are here- your higher calling to shar with the world!

Passion the fire that burns inside!

Power that you haven't even discovered yet! 

Many people don't realize they have these gifts inside- and they are there for you if you call forth the need for them- and are willing to  cultivate them.

Stop looking for a reason to let life hold you back- become the success your your born to be.   

You have a yearning to create a triple play in your life right now! If its financial, relationships or even more fullfillment inside start playing to win at this game we call life. 

Monday, July 28, 2008

Remember your childhood!

If you want to see true examples of persistence and attitudes of success-look at children. These marvelous examples of greatness ask for what they want despite rejection or imagined fear,, though small in stature & large at heart & spirit they rarely give up on what they want until acted up by the force of doubt given to them by others. Even if challenges seem to be in your way.. the gray clouds seem to hang overhead today... just remember the child inside of you is waiting to get out and see the wonders of the world all over again. Find ways to make each experience you face a learning event, smile and laugh and know that the creator will make it aright. Children don't look at clocks when they play- every moment is precious. Success is the child of audacity. Author: Benjamin Disraeli

Friday, July 25, 2008

Become your own brick layer

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. David Brinkley

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Time Is Right

If you wait until the wind and weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything.

Ecclesiastes 11:4

Good afternoon everyone!  I just wanted to tell you despite the challenging news of more layoffs and consumer confidence and waiting for politicans to solve our economic whoes - know that success is in you and closer than you think. 

Are you asking yourself -as I did several months ago-how do I plant my feet and use what I have inside to succeed despite my circumstances?  It's not about positive thinking or even praying- although they are needed , it is about truly rediscovering your  passion! It's a must to look deep inside to find out what has been lost over time.

Tomorrow I will share with you 3 steps that have helped me discover my passion and how you can do that as well and even profit from them in a new career.  

Remember- this is the time to live your greatest life right now!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Is It Called A Daily Devotional

As you arise every morning, not only will you have your daily verse, joke, or word of encouragment, you will also have a word of knowledge and as Provetbs 4:7 states, in all your getting, get understanding!!!

This Daily Devotion will go beyond the fog and confusion that many television and radio outlets currently deliver concerning our economy and political system and even our health. This daily devotion will bring understanding and encouragment as the light of knowledge shines though those gray days.

What the Daily Devotion will do is present the problem that many of us face and provide solid, sound solutions for each of us. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Its Time for a change !

As the dog sat on the porch moaning and turning from side to side... the visitor asked the owner" why is he moaning?" The owner- rocking in his chair on the creaking and splintering red cedar porch.. looked at his faithful dog.. he slowly turned his head back to the visitor- and said.. "He is laying on a nail!" The visitor looking confused and felt a pain in his stomach for the poor pain ridden golden retreiver. If I may ask-"if its so painful-why doesn't he just move and get off the nail?!" The old mans weathered face and crooked straw hat almost emotionless slowly turns and with a question mark over head says" he ain't hurtin bad enough to move- I guess"!!!! Ladies & Gentlemen after hearing this morning about Wachovia- loses $8.86 billion and cutting 6,350 jobs. I feel .. a very big economic challenge has been growing steadly worse-for many. The disheartning part of the story is- many of us are not hurting bad enough or believe challenges will affect us since it has not come knocking on our door-YET! If you believe that a recession is not here- per the experts on television or another depression is not possibile- think again. Lets look at the number of people sheding a few tears. Job losses are numbering 450,000 in the first 7 months of 2008 business that were once rock solid growing -Starbucks,Home Depot, etc looking for profits and shedding workers yet the media and experts say all is well? Its time to look at The Road You Need To Travel - for your own Success! Forget about what they say and start looking at how you can create your own solution to challenges like these. Don't give in to the pain and say I'm ok it just hurts a little! The road you choose can be a better one- if you are tired of laying on the nail!