Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tearful Tuesday!

What will it take for US to see that this bailout of 700 BILLION dollars ( while collar crime) is not a solution for the American homeowners facing foreclosure,, or the workers facing layoff after layoff. The "experts" at the FED and the Treasury want US to believe that if this - new S&L (Savings and Loan) bailout of the 2000's is not passed this week we will be in a recession and more jobs will be lost- Wake up!!!! WE ARE IN A RECESSION!!!! As usual the politicians are using the Terror factor to see if it will fly again- as the Bush administration used for continue the war- so are the boys of Wall Street trying to play on the fears of the American public. Is it any wonder that Goldman Sachs is bailed out- as Paulson was the former head of the company! Do we truly realize that giving the FED and government control of the public banking system will be tantamount to BIG BROTHER in your pocket, more white collar crime- since the same criminals that caused this scandal will become the financial police. The political candidates ( Obama & McCain) are not offering solutions- only promises that will drift away on the winds of time...(after the election).. they can't promise to create an agency to police the people that are there very supporters of their campaigns. Tell Congress Hell No on this bailout!! If not watch the jobs START to disappear.... families loosing more homes.. and government growing bigger and more intrusive in our lives.. and allowing other nations TO buy our debt- IOU or better yet - I Own You Call Now! Call Often! Call Each Of The State Reps of Congress Read the Bail Out Story- and Pass this along You can use this toll free number, 1-877-210-5351, for the congressional switchboard and also send an email at http://www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=11962621&content_dir=ua_congressorg HELL NO, to the $700 Billion Bush Wall Street bail out scheme!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Follies

Friday Follies


Middle English folie, from Anglo-French, from fol fool

Date:13th century

1: lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight 2 a: criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct bobsolete : evil , wickedness ; especially : lewd behavior 3: a foolish act or idea 4: an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking 5: an often extravagant picturesque building erected to suit a fanciful taste

As we watch the half-trillion dollar bailout of the lending institutions by the Bush Administration ( Federal Reserve- a private investment group- not affiliated with the government and Congress- not connected to people who elects the) are you wondering what this means to you?!!!

I will make this rant simple and add an audio clip soon. 1. Look for the collectors to start calling (The IRS- will crack down on small businesses and those that claim they are one).

2 Look for the next President to raise taxes- if they don't and lie to us about not doing so- our great grand children won't be able to pay off this debt.

3 Look for more foreign investment into the US and we truly are becoming a debtor nation.

4. Listen for more of the candidates to blame each others parties for this "economic meltdown".

This is not the time for games, laughs and business as usual. This is nothing more than the good-ole-boy network at play again. White collar crime- bailing out companies and wiping out debt- yet leaving millions of home owners on the brink of homelessness and countless others homeless. This action will not create jobs, assist the economy in selling more goods or help families looking for a solution. Here are a few solutions---

1. Show the political machine we will not strangled by debt and 4 more years of Depression- vote for the Green Party

2. Call your Congress persons Monday at 9am and tell them you will not send them back to Washington for more disaster.

3. Stop spending you money on items you truly don't need and support barter and co-ops.

4. Get to know your neighbors- you will need the min the coming years.

5. Turn off the Tel-lie-vision- - all the talking heads- (and start reading news from alternative media on the net)

This is not chicken little hysteria this is real and tragic that a country has been entertained and distracted and terrorized by "FEAR" could let this happen.

By the people and for the people--?? By the government and for Big Business...

Wake Up to the new World Economy of US Taxpayer debt...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What are you doing to make change happen?

Bank failures in 2008 Silver State Bank, Henderson, NV September 5, 2008 Integrity Bank, Alpharetta, GA August 29, 2008 The Columbian Bank and Trust, Topeka, KS August 22, 2008 First Priority Bank, Bradenton, FL August 1, 2008 First Heritage Bank, NA, Newport Beach, CA July 25, 2008 First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, NV July 25, 2008 IndyMac Bank, Pasadena, CA July 11, 2008 First Integrity Bank, NA, Staples, MN May 30, 2008 ANB Financial, NA, Bentonville, AR May 9 2008 Hume Bank, Hume, MO March 7, 2008 Douglass National Bank, Kansas City, MO January 25, 2008 Job loss in the US at 460,00 Foreclosed homes Still under the cloud and color of "terrorism"!!! Will the new president change all of this? Can we accept the fact that we may have 4 more challenging years with the economy and in order to thrive we cannot continue to look for a "job" to sustain us. Here is a quote - in my opinion that deserves a moment and revisit! If we believe the Obama camp or even McCain has our best interest at heart when the real money is from Wall Street and world investors is bailing out failing companies while families are put into shelters- we need to Wake Up! Let me give you a word on the philosophy of reform. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims, have been born of earnest struggle. If there is no struggle there is no progress. This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to — and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” —Frederick Douglass, “The Significance of Emancipation in the West Indies” (August 3, 1857) We as a people In This Country are demanding crumbs from the candidates and that is what we will get.. while the New World Order of change includes privacy erosion and spying , economic wealth distribution and entertained masses to weary to fight. "Change is comin- but will it be for the common working class! If we continue to vote and allow the discussions to be about rhetoric-jobs, immigration,abortion and negative campaign ads... what will we truly get except crumbs of concern. Yes these issues are important in the grand scheme of political plans- its called divide and conquer- while we fight about small issues- the corporations and politicians are creating a future for who- US or themselves? Carter-Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Next Pres....all have an agenda- what is our agenda? To be pacified and "energized" every 4 years and like a pair of sad bookends- squeezed to tears- with higher prices-challenged employment and trickery and slight of hand.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wide Eyes Open Wednesday

Its time we take the blinders off -regarding the health of African Americans. 3.2 million African Americans ages 20 years and older (or 13.3 percent) have diabetes, one-third of whom are undiagnosed. On average, African Americans are 1.8 times more likely to have diabetes. The CDC reports- Obesity is disproportionately higher among African Americans. It is estimated that 80 percent of black women and 60 percent of black men are overweight or obese. Mental Illness- not the type recognized by the "experts" -psychiatry and psychologist- yet more destructive the type we continue to repeat in our minds and lives-the mentality of struggle! We struggle in our lives to "just get by" we struggle in our relationships- to "just making it" we struggle with the day and can't wait and pray "Thank GOD it's Friday"! Its time to open our eyes to the fact that the solutions are within. Diet- we MUST eat better-less processed foods, more fresh fruits and vegetables & less sugary drinks Mental- we must start to change our language from struggle conversation to one of possibility and success and talk it-believe it and live it. The passing of Bernie Mac and Iaasc Hayes, the passing of your uncle, aunt, mother or father to preventable dis-ease, crime in the neighborhoods or stress of daily life-can be prevented- not by a doctor or the government-but by US. Our eyes must remain open to the change many others are taking (better eating habits , exercise and uplifting the mind- because what we are doing now is not working! Open your eyes and see where you are going- if its not working- are you ready to change or keep masking the pain? Mahatma Gandhi: You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Are we ready to change our world? In think we have started we need to expand and hold each other by the hand and each one of us- must teach more of us! Darrell Nobles

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mindful Monday

Honor the gift of time the creator has blessed you with!

What will it take for you to realize your greatness?

The passing of two great men this past weekend - one a musical genius and the other an actor/comedian- yet both at an early age…makes me ask this question.

What will it take for you to see that you don’t have unlimited time to express your creative gifts and share them with the world?

Isaac Hayes and Bernie Mac knew they had a mission- musical expression and making a better life by using humor.

Does your time, talents and 10th deserve any less expression? Whatever you are doing while reading this daily devotional… working.. up early in the morning to have a moment of peace.. or just sending a few emails- after your task-take time for you! Look at your life and decide what will it take for you to see and use your greatness.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Holy Trinity

Success quote- We cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore Men - what are you looking for in a woman? Someone who is intelligent, beautiful or sensual? All of these would be nice to have in one person- yet do we truly look only at one of these aspects of the women at a time? If you watched the CNN special on Black in America- or Soulmates or Diary Of a mad black women or any host of movies and specials on the lack of quality black men to date and marry- who is to blame? Men we must wake up and stop playing games with the feelings of our women for the sake of a one night stand or long term relationship with no ring in hand. We must eliminate the word "player" from our vocabulary as a term of manhood or rite of passage! If we are truly serious about changing the statistics of black men in prison, on the DL, under-employed. low self-esteem and beaten down by "the man"etc....its time we start on the positive with the women in our lives. See the real woman( Friend-Lover-Help Mate), stop denigrating our queens and little princesses with words and images that they have embraced as normal and acceptable. It is time to lose sight of destructive cultural attitudes, practices and values that are destroying our core- The African Women-our Holy Trinity I would love to hear your comments.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Your Triple Play

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosb

You sit and watch in the summer heat.. waiting to see if your hero will he hit a home run.. or strike out! The batter kicks some dust off her shoes and stares at the pitcher and you wonder can your idol- the slow pitch champ- strike out anopther batter! If you have ever watched a baseball or softball game.. one of the most exciting events..next to a home run is the triple play! The ball is hit and instantly the shortstop races to catch the ball and with the grace of a ballet dancer they pivoting on one leg- catching the ball and  throwing it in one smooth elegant motion- handing it to the third baseman. Its instantly Fired off to the second baseman like a rocket and in turn the second baseman turns toward first base and with explosibe throw to his teammate the opposing runners are all put out in seconds! I know it seems more exciting in person or even watching it...yet your life is destined for its own triple play!

Are you using you 3 P's to create a home field advantage? When life (your score card) seems a little down to due the economy, relationships or just challenges of the day- how do turn it around?

Just as athelets practice to make the great playe slook easy - it time you started to find and use your- triple play skills! 

Purpose Passion and Power

Purpose that is unique to you and the reason you are here- your higher calling to shar with the world!

Passion the fire that burns inside!

Power that you haven't even discovered yet! 

Many people don't realize they have these gifts inside- and they are there for you if you call forth the need for them- and are willing to  cultivate them.

Stop looking for a reason to let life hold you back- become the success your your born to be.   

You have a yearning to create a triple play in your life right now! If its financial, relationships or even more fullfillment inside start playing to win at this game we call life. 

Monday, July 28, 2008

Remember your childhood!

If you want to see true examples of persistence and attitudes of success-look at children. These marvelous examples of greatness ask for what they want despite rejection or imagined fear,, though small in stature & large at heart & spirit they rarely give up on what they want until acted up by the force of doubt given to them by others. Even if challenges seem to be in your way.. the gray clouds seem to hang overhead today... just remember the child inside of you is waiting to get out and see the wonders of the world all over again. Find ways to make each experience you face a learning event, smile and laugh and know that the creator will make it aright. Children don't look at clocks when they play- every moment is precious. Success is the child of audacity. Author: Benjamin Disraeli

Friday, July 25, 2008

Become your own brick layer

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. David Brinkley

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Time Is Right

If you wait until the wind and weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything.

Ecclesiastes 11:4

Good afternoon everyone!  I just wanted to tell you despite the challenging news of more layoffs and consumer confidence and waiting for politicans to solve our economic whoes - know that success is in you and closer than you think. 

Are you asking yourself -as I did several months ago-how do I plant my feet and use what I have inside to succeed despite my circumstances?  It's not about positive thinking or even praying- although they are needed , it is about truly rediscovering your  passion! It's a must to look deep inside to find out what has been lost over time.

Tomorrow I will share with you 3 steps that have helped me discover my passion and how you can do that as well and even profit from them in a new career.  

Remember- this is the time to live your greatest life right now!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Is It Called A Daily Devotional

As you arise every morning, not only will you have your daily verse, joke, or word of encouragment, you will also have a word of knowledge and as Provetbs 4:7 states, in all your getting, get understanding!!!

This Daily Devotion will go beyond the fog and confusion that many television and radio outlets currently deliver concerning our economy and political system and even our health. This daily devotion will bring understanding and encouragment as the light of knowledge shines though those gray days.

What the Daily Devotion will do is present the problem that many of us face and provide solid, sound solutions for each of us. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Its Time for a change !

As the dog sat on the porch moaning and turning from side to side... the visitor asked the owner" why is he moaning?" The owner- rocking in his chair on the creaking and splintering red cedar porch.. looked at his faithful dog.. he slowly turned his head back to the visitor- and said.. "He is laying on a nail!" The visitor looking confused and felt a pain in his stomach for the poor pain ridden golden retreiver. If I may ask-"if its so painful-why doesn't he just move and get off the nail?!" The old mans weathered face and crooked straw hat almost emotionless slowly turns and with a question mark over head says" he ain't hurtin bad enough to move- I guess"!!!! Ladies & Gentlemen after hearing this morning about Wachovia- loses $8.86 billion and cutting 6,350 jobs. I feel .. a very big economic challenge has been growing steadly worse-for many. The disheartning part of the story is- many of us are not hurting bad enough or believe challenges will affect us since it has not come knocking on our door-YET! If you believe that a recession is not here- per the experts on television or another depression is not possibile- think again. Lets look at the number of people sheding a few tears. Job losses are numbering 450,000 in the first 7 months of 2008 business that were once rock solid growing -Starbucks,Home Depot, etc looking for profits and shedding workers yet the media and experts say all is well? Its time to look at The Road You Need To Travel - for your own Success! Forget about what they say and start looking at how you can create your own solution to challenges like these. Don't give in to the pain and say I'm ok it just hurts a little! The road you choose can be a better one- if you are tired of laying on the nail!